Recording Conversations – Texas Laws & Legalities

recorder and notebook with laptop

When it comes to proving fault in a personal injury claim, the more tangible evidence you can collect, the better. Photographs and videos of the scene of an accident like after a car crash are useful. But what about audio evidence in the form of conversations between the two involved parties and/or an insurance company? Are you allowed to record any conversation you want in Texas without breaking the law?

Texas is a “one-party consent to recording” state, which means only one party within a conversation has to consent to recording it. In other words, you can decide to record your own “wire, oral, or electronic” conversations with another party without telling them directly and without breaking the law – in most situations. There are some exceptions and sidenotes you should know.

Before recording a conversation, remember:

Talk to an Attorney to Be Safe

When in doubt about whether recording conversations is allowed or unlawful, contacting a lawyer is always a prudent option. If you already have a personal injury lawyer helping you with a personal injury claim, then you can ask them about what conversations you should and should not record. Or you can also ask if they will allow you to redirect all inquiries about your accident to them for initial review before you respond.

If you live in San Antonio, make Maloney Law Group, P.L.L.C. your first choice of legal representation and assistance for personal injury claims of all sorts. We know the ins and outs of the law, including rules about recording conversations and using those recordings as evidence of liability later. You can contact us online to begin.