Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office

A medical emergency in the dental office may be an unexpected event that can include accidental or willful bodily injury, central nervous system stimulation and depression, respiratory and circulatory disturbances, as well as allergic reactions.

Dentists, through their academic, clinical and continuing education, should be familiar with the prevention, diagnosis, and management of common emergencies. In addition, they should provide appropriate training to their staff so that each person knows what to do and can act promptly. Since these skills are not used every day, regular review is necessary: at least annually but preferably more often. Conducting mock emergencies may help office staff to be more confident with their roles when a real emergency occurs. As a result, dentists and their staff should be prepared to recognize, respond and effectively manage a medical emergency.

The components of a sound medical emergency plan for the dental office should include:

Some states may require that dentists have emergency drugs and equipment. For example, in 2010 Illinois became the first state to enact a law requiring dental offices that administer deep sedation to not only have an automated external defibrillator (AED) available, but also a written medical emergency plan. This new law does not apply to practices that use local anesthetics for routine dental care. However, many states require dentists, whether they administer general anesthesia or deep sedation, to have an AED available. For more information about the safety requirements in your state, consult with your state dental association and/or your state’s board of dental practice.

In the following sections, you will find information on recognizing, responding and effectively managing medical emergencies, as well as preventive preparation. New information and resources will be added to this area as they become available.