Implant direct screw indirect

Fixture level impression copings are offered for the indirect (Fig.1, closed tray) and direct (Fig.2, open tray) impression technique. The impression copings are color coded to indicate the implant/abutment interface platform diameter. Blue corresponds to the 3.0mm platform, green 3.5mm, fuchsia 4.5mm and yellow coordinates with the 5.7mm platform.

Direct impression copings are furnished with silver colored screws requiring a 0.50' (1.25mm) hex driver. 3.5 platform fixation screws fit only the 3.5mm platform impression coping, whereas the 4.3, 5.0 and 6.0 fixation screws are interchangeable. are machined with the same coping body geometry and differ only in regards to

the applicable fixation screw. Indirect impression coping fixation screws are short and direct impression coping fixation screws are long, extending from the coping body. The fixation screws require a 0.05' (1.25mm) hex driver. 3.0 platform diameter fixation screws are colored the same blue color as the corresponding impression coping while 3.5, 4.5 and 5.7 platform fixation screws are silver in color.

Abutment level impressions for straight abutments are carried out with color coded plastic snap on impression copings (Fig.3). The color coding of abutment level impression copings does not follow the same platform dependent color scheme as direct and indirect impression copings. Legacy™ II and III implants are packaged with a multi purpose abutment (fixture mount, temporary/final abutment) ready to be utilized as a impression coping, color coded in compliance with the implant/abutment platform color identification system.

Authors note: Legacy™ II and III implants are sold with a multi purpose abutment. This abutment serves as a fixture mount, impression coping and final abutment.

ReActive®, RePlant®, RePlus®

Fixture level impression copings are offered for the direct (Fig.5, open tray) and indirect (Fig.4, closed tray) impression technique. The impression copings are color coded to indicate the implant/abutment interface platform diameter. fuchsia corresponds to the 3.5mm platform, yellow 4.3mm, blue 5.0mm and green coordinates with the 6.0mm platform.

Indirect impression copings are supplied with a black Dual-Grip™ fixation screw and can be serviced with a Nobel

Biocare Unigrip driver and a 0.50' (1.25mm) hex driver. 3.5 platform fixation screws fit only the 3.5mm platform impression coping, whereas the 4.3, 5.0 and 6.0 fixation screws are interchangeable. Direct impression copings (Fig.5) are furnished with silver colored screws requiring a 0.50' (1.25mm) hex driver. 3.5 platform fixation screws fit only the 3.5mm platform impression coping, whereas the 4.3, 5.0 and 6.0 fixation screws are interchangeable.

Abutment level impressions for straight abutments are carried out with color coded plastic snap on impression copings (Fig.6). The color coding of abutment level impression copings does not follow the same platform dependent color scheme as direct and indirect impression copings."Re" type implants are packaged with a multi purpose abutment (fixture mount, temporary/final abutment) ready to be utilized as a impression coping, color coded in compliance with the existing implant/abutment platform color identification system.

Authors note: ReActive®, RePlant® and RePlus® implants are sold with a multi purpose abutment. This abutment serves as a fixture mount, impression coping and final abutment.

SwishPlant™ (SwissPlant™)

Fixture level impression copings are offered for the direct (open tray) and indirect (closed tray) impression technique. The impression copings are color coded to indicate the implant/abutment interface platform diameter. Light blue corresponds to the 3.7mm platform, brown 4.8mm and dark blue coordinates with the 6.5mm platform.

Direct and indirect impression copings (Fig.7) are machined with the same coping body geometry and differ only in regards to the applicable fixation screw. Indirect impression coping fixation screws (Fig.7) are short and direct impression coping fixation screws (Fig.8) are long, extending from the coping body. The fixation screws require a 0.05' (1.25mm) hex driver. 3.7 platform diameter fixation screws are colored the same light blue color as the corresponding impression coping while 4.8 and 6.5mm platform fixation screws are silver in color.

Abutment level impressions for straight abutments are carried out with color coded plastic snap on impression copings (Fig.9). The color coding is platform and abutment emergence profile dependent. 3.7 platform snap on impression copings are light blue while 4.8 platform impression copings are brown for 4.8 emergence profile straight abutments and impression copings for the 4.8 platform with a 5.7mm emergence profile are yellow. 6.5mm platform abutment level impression copings are dark blue.
SwishPlant™/SwissPlant™ implants are packaged with a multi purpose abutment (fixture mount, temporary/final abutment) ready to be utilized as a impression coping, color coded in compliance with the existing implant/abutment platform color identification system.

Authors note: SwischPlant™ implants are sold with a multi purpose abutment. This abutment serves as a fixture mount, impression coping and final abutment.


ScrewPlant® Fixture level impression copings are offered for the direct (Fig.11, open tray) and indirect (Fig.10, closed tray) impression technique. The impression copings are color coded to indicate the implant/abutment interface platform diameter. Green corresponds to the 3.7mm platform, fuchsia 4.7mm and yellow coordinates with the 5.7mm platform.
Direct and indirect impression copings are furnished with silver colored screws requiring a 0.50' (1.25mm) hex driver.

All fixation screws are interchangeable from one platform diameter to any of the other platforms.

Abutment level impressions for straight abutments are carried out with color coded plastic snap on impression copings (Fig.12). The color coding follows the same platform dependent color scheme as direct and indirect impression copings.
ScrewPlant® implants are packaged with a multi purpose abutment (fixture mount, temporary/final abutment) ready to be utilized as a impression coping, color coded in compliance with the existing implant/abutment platform color identification scheme of the ScrewPlant® system.

ScrewPlus® Fixture level impression copings are offered for the direct (Fig.11, open tray) and indirect (Fig.10, closed tray) impression technique. The impression copings are color coded to indicate the implant/abutment interface platform diameter. Green corresponds to the 3.7mm platform, fuchsia 4.7mm , yellow 5.7mm and blue coordinates with the 6.5mm platform.
Direct and indirect impression copings are furnished with silver colored screws requiring a 0.50' (1.25mm) hex driver. All fixation screws are interchangeable from one platform diameter to any of the other platforms.

Abutment level impressions for straight abutments are carried out with color coded plastic snap on impression copings (Fig.12). The color coding follows the same platform dependent color scheme as direct and indirect impression copings.
ScrewPlus® implants are packaged with a multi purpose abutment (fixture mount, temporary/final abutment) ready to be utilized as a impression coping, color coded in compliance with the existing implant/abutment platform color identification scheme of the ScrewPlant® system.

ScrewDirect® implants can only be impressed with the abutment level impression technique since the implant and abutment are machined from one piece of titanium. Platform dependent, color coded green 3.7, fuchsia 4.7, yellow 5.7 and blue 6.5mm) plastic impression copings (Fig.12) are included with the implant.

ScrewRedirect™ implants can only be impressed with the abutment level impression technique since the implant and abutment are machined from one piece of titanium. No impression copings are available for this system.

Screwindirect® implants can be impressed with the direct (Fig.13, open tray), indirect (Fig.13, closed tray) and abutment level impression technique. A single yellow impression coping body can be utilized for direct and indirect impressions, only the screws differ in regards to the impression technique. Yellow plastic impression copings (Fig.13) are utilized for the abutment level impression technique. Any of the implant diameters are impressed with the same diameter impression coping.

GoDirect® implants can only be impressed with the abutment level impression technique. A universal black plastic impression coping (Fig.13) is utilized to impress any of the implant diameters.

All images courtesy of Implant Direct.