Curriculum Development

A teacher and her students playing

6X. Six Ways Educators Can Honor Home Languages

Six ways monolingual teachers can honor children's home languages.

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Authored by: Angèle Sancho Passe Members Only

the cover image for the publication Teaching young children, volume 17, issue 4

Teaching Young Children Vol. 17, No. 4 July 1, 2024

Summer 2024

Nurturing Multilingual Learners in Preschool

Teaching Young Children is NAEYC's magazine for anyone who works with preschoolers. Colorful, informative, and easy-to-read, TYC is packed full of teaching ideas, strategies, and tips.

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a teacher talking with students

Young Children March 1, 2024

Toward An Equity-Centered Approach to Early Childhood Social Studies

In this article, we follow Ms. Mena’s kindergartners’ lead to imagine an approach to early childhood social studies that makes space and time for inquiry into compelling social studies questions.

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Authored by: Anna Falkner, Noreen Naseem Rodríguez Members Only

an adult and child happily clapping

Young Children March 1, 2024

Rocking and Rolling. Supporting Curiosity and Inquiry in Early Social Studies

By leveraging children's natural curiosity, educators can offer a wide range of equity-based opportunities to learn about social studies principles every single day.

Authored by

Authored by: Anna Falkner, Noreen Naseem Rodríguez Members Only

a teacher guiding children at a classroom table

Young Children March 1, 2024

Powering Up: Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning for Young Engaged Citizens

Using project-based learning with a social justice focus helps develop interdisciplinary instruction across social studies disciplines.

Authored by

Authored by: Crystal N. Wise, Betül Demiray Sandıraz, Melanie M. McCormick, Anne-Lise Halvorsen Members Only

a childs self portrait drawing

Young Children March 1, 2024

Knowledgeable and Engaged Young Citizens: Social Studies in Early Childhood

This issue of Young Children focuses on some of these key concepts and effective practices for promoting early social studies.

Authored by

Authored by: Annie Moses Members Only

A teacher helps a child code a story.

Young Children December 1, 2023

Reading, Coding, and Crafting: Introducing Computational Thinking to Young Children

Reading, coding and crafting activities can help develop children's computational thinking skills.

Authored by

Authored by: Candace Joswick, Joohi Lee, Robin Jocius, Kathryn Pole Members Only

children dancing in a circle

Young Children September 1, 2023

Creating Multimodal Experiences to Engage All Students in Early Grade Classrooms

Learn how educators can integrate high-quality multimodal experiences in science and math learning.

Authored by

Authored by: Kate I. McCormick, Christine Uliassi, Krystal Barber, Kim Wieczorek Members Only

<a href=children playing with blocks" width="250" height="125" />

Young Children September 1, 2023

Shifting from a Classroom of Reluctant Compliance to a Classroom of Responsive Curiosity

This article presents a three-part playful learning framework to help educators move from a culture of compliance to one of agency and curiosity.

Authored by

Authored by:

Elias Blinkoff, Charlotte Anne Wright, Molly Scott, Katelyn Fletcher, Allyson S. Masters, Hande Ilgaz, Lien Vu, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff

Members Only

Cover of So Much More than the ABCs, Revised Edition

January 1, 2012

So Much More than the ABCs: The Early Phases of Reading and Writing, Revised Edition

Learn more about So Much More than the ABCs, Revised Edition

Authored by

Authored by: Molly F. Collins, Judith A. Schickedanz Members Only

A group of children listens as a teacher reads them a book.

Young Children December 1, 2022

The Preschool Birth Stories Project: Developing Emergent Curriculum with Families

In “The Preschool Birth Stories Project,” the children are absorbed in family narratives about their own and their classmates’ births.

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Authored by: Hannah Kye Members Only

Nine children on a field trip

Emergent Curriculum and the Cycle of Inquiry (On Demand)

NAEYC’s Emergent Curriculum and the Cycle of Inquiry Approach course, is the first step on your journey to guiding children through an emergent curriculum.

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A group of young children dresses up for their stage production.

Teaching Young Children September 1, 2021

Rethinking Field Trips: Venturing Out to Foster Meaningful Learning

Knowing that local field trips are a source of curriculum in early childhood education, two teachers venture to a theater with their class, then engage in a project about storytelling, performance, and stages.

Authored by

Authored by: Lynette Bagwell, Betsy Cahill Members Only

a collage of images of children drawing

Teaching Young Children September 1, 2021

Exploring Nature Indoors with Observational Drawing and Scientific Thinking

One valuable way we can support children’s exploration of nature is by teaching them how to observe carefully and create observational drawings, which encourage children to understand and question their world.

Authored by

Authored by: Kendra Nenia, Melissa Clucas Walter Members Only

a person using a computer

September 17, 2021

Ten Things I Learned in the Virtual Classroom that I’ll Use This Year

After using hand-on learning in my virtual classroom, here are key ideas I learned while teaching in the pandemic Zoom classroom that I will be carrying with me as we begin the upcoming school year.

Authored by

Authored by: Julia Luckenbill Members Only

teacher drumming with students

NAEYC Publishes Book on Integrating the Learning Stories Approach

NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.