Summary dissolution to end a domestic partnership

You can end a domestic partnership registered in California using the Secretary of State summary dissolution process. The Secretary of State calls this terminating a California registered domestic partnership.


Talk to an attorney if your domestic partnership isn't registered with the California Secretary of State.

These instructions are for California registered domestic partnerships.

How to end a domestic partnership

Unlike other ways of ending a domestic partnership or marriage, this process isn't handled by the courts. The information below is a guide. You can get instructions directly from the Secretary of State.

Read summary dissolution brochure

This explains who can use the simplified process and the difference between the Secretary of State's and the court's divorce process.

You’re required to read this form. When you sign your papers you swear that you read it.

Write up and sign a property agreement

Your agreement must say how you will divide your community property and debts. If you don't have any, the agreement can say that you don't have any community property. You must both sign the agreement.

Fill out Notice of Termination

Fill out the Notice of Termination of Domestic Partnership included in the Terminating a California Registered Domestic Partnership Your signatures must be notarized. This means an official checks your IDs and then has you sign the document in front of them.

How do I get a signature notarized?
  1. Visit the notary
  1. Prove your identity – show an official ID, like a driver’s license or passport
  1. Sign the agreement
  1. The notary stamps the agreement
  1. Pay a fee for each signature (the fee is usually $15 but may be different)

Make copies

Make two copies of your signed Notice and Property Agreement. The copies are for you and your partner. The original Notice is for the Secretary of State

Mail signed Notice to Secretary of State

Mail the original signed Notice (with the notary acknowledgments) to the Secretary if State address listed on the Notice. There is no fee.

Your domestic partnership ends in 6 months

Your domestic partnership will end 6 months after the date the Notice is filed. You can marry or enter another domestic partnership after that date.

If you change your mind before the 6 month is up, you can stop the process. Learn more

Before the 6 months is up, you can mail a Revocation of Termination of Domestic Partnership to the Secretary of State. You also must send a copy of the revocation form to your partner by first-class mail. There is no fee.

This stops the Secretary of State process. If you want to end the domestic partnership, you can file a divorce case in court.

Your domestic partnership will end 6 months after you file the Notice with the Secretary of State unless one of you sends in paperwork to cancel the termination.