Create an Object Report Template

Create an object report template to define the title of the report and other general settings such as margins, font, and font size. Then, create each object you want to include on the report. After you create all of the objects on the report and are satisfied with their placement, use the object report template to print the report.

  1. Navigate to the Object Reports page . This lists any object report templates created for your school.
  2. Click New.
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:

Selecting Log provides you access to the Log table from which you can select any field, including database extensions (legacy custom fields) that you want to include in the report. Each field you want to include in the log object report must be specified using the correct syntax to successfully display the data. The text that precedes the syntax (separated by a colon) can be modified (or deleted) based on your needs. For example, you could modify Name: ^([01]LastFirst) to appear as Student’s Last Name: ^([01]LastFirst).

The following are Log table student fields you can use in the report:

The following are Log table discipline fields you can use in the report:

Choose the font in which you want the report to print.

The report prints in this font unless you include an HTML tag to specify another font within an object of the report.

Default font size

Choose the size in which you want the text of the report to print.

The report prints in this font size unless you include an HTML tag to specify a different font size within an object of the report.

Default text line height

Enter the default height of each line of text on the report. The line height determines the amount of space for each line of text in the object. Increasing the line height creates more space between each line of text.

Choose the size of the paper on which you want to print this report. To enter a custom size, enter the horizontal and vertical page measurements in the Custom Size fields.

Enter the size, in inches, of the start, top, end, and bottom margins for this report. The start side and end side are determined by the direction of the language used in the report.

To indicate the paper orientation of this report, choose one of the following:

Edit the percentage to scale the object report. The lower the percentage, the smaller the form letter scales relative to the size of the page.

This report available to

Select one of the following options to determine who can use this report:

Teachers can print?

If you want teachers to be able to print this report, select the checkbox. Otherwise, deselect the checkbox.

Override Course Exclude Setting?

Select the checkbox to override the setting on the Course Setup page to exclude courses from inclusion in reports.