Creating A Beekeeping Business Plan

Here are some factors to consider if you are drawing up a beekeeping business plan (and a free template for you to use), whether you wish to become a honey producer, or are wanting to offer a variety of products and services related to beekeeping, honey bees and hives.

On the one hand, you may be able to earn a living from keeping bees, but like all businesses, there are potential pitfalls.

PDF Template
At the bottom of this page, you'll find a PDF business plan template you can adapt and use for your own purposes.

Below, we will first look at the following topics:

If you require a loan to help you get started, then you will need to demonstrate to the lender that you have thought about the business in detail.

Consider things from the lender’s perspective: if you were in his or her shoes, would you loan money to this new beekeeping business based on the plan and information you are being presented with?

In addition, you need to work through the details yourself, so that you can have confidence, minimize your risks and have a genuine chance of success.

Drawing Up A Beekeeping Business Plan – some initial considerations:

It sounds obvious, but. are you an experienced beekeeper?

If not, best get some experience first, and ensure you:

How Can Beekeepers Earn Income From Keeping Bees?

You may have a firm idea already of how beekeeping is going to earn an income for you, but it's also worth trying to think outside the box, and look at offering a multiple range of products (and maybe even services), in order to build your income across the seasons.

comb honey on a plate, with honey oozing out of the wax comb.

However, whether you decide to focus only on being a honey producer, or selling a wider range of product and services, you’ll need to estimate your potential earnings, and add these to your business plan.

Here are some ideas of what your business might include:

In thinking about your business, put a great deal of thought into whether it is something you can start up as a hobby (perhaps whilst continuing with your day job), and build it from there.

As I write, I am aware that some large commercial honey sellers run training schemes whereby you can earn whilst you learn. As far as I can make out, the salary is modest, but if you are especially keen, it may be a way for you to get valuable experience if that is what you need.

However, do check first regarding whether or not you are then tied to supplying the company with honey etc for a set period of time, and whether this suits you, and also whether you are happy to supply honey in this way. In addition, check whether you would have to sign an agreement forbidding you to set up a business entirely of your own.

Some beekeepers prefer to set up small-scale, organic practices, charging a premium for their products, selling directly to the public or specialist delicatessens.

A Beekeeping Business Plan Needs To Cover Finances: costs, sales, cash flow, profit & loss

Consider these costs:

Financial challenges can hit any business.

Researching Your Beekeeping Business

Find out as much as you can about the market, products, services, prices, your customers, relevant law, prior to committing yourself.

Ask yourself the What? Who? Where? and How? Why? questions.

For example (no doubt, you can come up with more):

Having considered these questions, what actions need to be taken, when, by whom and at what cost?

Marketing And Your Beekeeping Business Plan

There are many cost effective ways to sell and promote your products.

A SWOT Analysis For A Beekeeping Business

It’s worth doing a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) for your beekeeping business plan, as with any other business plan.

Make a list, and decide whether there are actions you can take. Don’t run before you can walk, or over-stretch yourself, however.

Here are some examples (let me stress that - examples only!)


Lifelong experience of beekeeping – generations of beekeepers in the family.

How To Maximise

Use this in marketing, to talk about a caring family business with generations of expertise. Customers are buying from people, not a faceless organisation.


Limited business experience of book keeping – only ever provided a few jars of honey for friends.

How to Minimise

Enrol on a small business course or book keeping course, buy a simple on-line software package, or check on line for suitable courses. Check with the local council for free, helpful resources.


Free access to 100 acres of organic farm and meadowland

How to Exploit

(Depending on regulations in your country). Label the honey product ‘organic’ and 'meadow honey' or 'wildflower honey', and sell in to speciality organic food stores and delicatessens, with appropriate pricing and packaging.


How to Counter

Keep bees and hives in good condition, and practice high standards of beekeeping husbandry.

Insure hives against losses due to diseases.

General Administration

This is often forgotten, but.

More Beekeeping Business Tips

Hopefully you will be able to keep your set up and business running costs to a minimum.

You can use the - free beekeeping business plan template a PDF download (please note, it will open in a new window) to help you get started, but ensure that you add any legal considerations applicable to your own country.